
Invest in Your Health: Your Future Self Will Thank You

invest in your health

We spend some much money investing in savings accounts and retirement plans waiting patiently to see if all our money garners a return. We are trusting the ebb and flow of the market as the only control we possess in this game is how much money and when to put money into our accounts. Sure there is in depth analysis you can look at to predict great returns on your investments but the lack of control still remains (My financial advising buddies might hate me for this.). I am not saying that it isn’t smart to invest in your future, it’s brilliant. I myself love the game money presents, thinking forward in regards to my retirement funds, savings accounts, and mutual funds accounts. But I am here to preach about investing your money in a different way to gain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual returns. It is time to invest in your health, the ultimate investment where you control everything. The quality of your life depends on it, and your future self will thank you.

Investing in Physical Fitness

Investing in your physical fitness is a tremendous way to live your life. If you invest your hard earned money into a gym membership, fitness equipment, or a knowledgeable coach that has your best interest in mind you can form a habit and outstanding returns. These returns won’t only show up down the road, but in your present day life. Instant benefit. You will feel strength that enables you to be a part of special moments such as hiking a mountain or as simple as playing with friends or your kids. Your natural energy levels will increase giving you an opportunity to achieve important tasks throughout your day. In turn, causing you to be more productive with the aspects of your life that really matter. You will feel more confident in your body knowing that confidence can overflow into other areas of your life.

Investing in Organic Foods and Natural Vitamin Supplements

Investing in organic food and natural vitamin supplements you may be deprived of can show massive returns to your health and wellness. Grocery stores and markets are filled with food items that actually do more harm than good for the chemistry in your body. Our bodies were made to absorb natural ingredients to ensure proper growth, recovery, cognition and satiety. We as a society have lost track of this. We have gone for the easy fix to our busy lives, buying up processed junk foods or foods that contain GMO’s and other harmful chemicals.

Organic foods and natural supplements might cost more money but the return is worth every penny. Eating foods the way they were made to be eaten can enhance the quality of your life dramatically. You will find yourself feeling more satisfied, not having the urge to binge. You will have more mental clarity, avoiding the mind fog that a majority of Americans experience. Hormone levels begin to balance out leaving you feeling more energetic and less emotionally distraught (say goodbye to mood swings!). Your body image and fitness will improve from fueling your workouts with high quality, natural, whole food sources.

Investing in Books and Other Healthy Hobbies

Smartphones, televisions, and computers are great! I’m utilizing one this very instant to bring you this useful information, but too much of a good thing can sometimes go bad… really, really bad. We have found ourselves bed, couch, and desk-ridden with the amount of new technology we have at our fingertips. This not only can create a habit of a non-active lifestyle, but increased screen time can lead of other unhealthy factors. One major factor is a discombobulated circadian rhythm (a 24 hour internal clock managing your sleep/wake cycles). A large amount of screen time throughout the day and night can lead to hindered quality of sleep due to the inability to fall asleep or restless sleep.

Invest in books and other healthy hobbies to limit your screen time. Read a book that has caught your interest, learn to play a musical instrument, take up gardening, join a sports league, pick up a recreational hobby such as mountain biking or hiking. These will all serve you well by limiting your screen time but also allowing you an emotional outlet from everyday life.

Investing in Meditation and Stress Management Practices

Mindfulness practices are essential to living a happy, healthy, fulfilled life. Meditation is not just for the eastern religions or just the hippies (I’ve got hippy in my blood!). It is everyone’s best interest to practice meditation knowing that it may look different for each of us. Meditation could be spending some time in prayer, practicing yoga, listening to calming sounds or music, or sitting in stillness with one of the many meditation techniques. Whatever you have deemed best for you, all meditation allows us to breathe deeply and step away from ourselves, the being that endures stress throughout the day, the one who is constantly thinking of past and future moments. It teaches us to slow our thoughts, act with intent, and be thoughtful in each moment in your conscious lives.

Investing in a meditation practice can be monumental in your health and wellness causing you less anxiety and stress throughout your day. You will be able to make sound decisions, be more creative with your ideas, and remain emotionally healthy in all situations.

How I’m Investing

I have a hard time putting money away into accounts that I can’t touch until I am at least 55, 59, 60 years or however old it is. My heart condition has made me realize I’m not promised a set amount of time on earth. I joke around with friends and family saying I’m going to live until I’m 200 years old, thinking in my mind it actually isn’t a joke. What I mean is I’m going to do everything in my power to live “200 years worth” in the time that I am given on earth. Thinking depth instead of length, impact instead of accumulation.

My plan to do that? I know how to invest in my body, mind, and soul. It’s cliche to say I’m going to live life to the fullest, but I am honestly trying my damnedest.

How I’m Investing:

  • Exercise daily to ensure good physical health. This enables me to experience unforgettable moments of impact. Such moments as setting a new personal record in a strength movement, getting lost in time as I complete kettlebell flows, traveling the world, hiking in some of my favorite spots like the Rocky Mountains National Park, Arches National Park, and the Cliffs of Moher.
  • Eat organic, natural, whole food products when I can while still maintaining a social life. I want to be as creative, clear, and concise as I can be while I strive to create a meaningful professional life.
  • Read books that will serve my mind and emotions well. These tasks challenge my own way of thinking.
  • Participate in hobbies such as sport, travel, hiking, biking, learning to play the ukulele, and journaling. This will make life intriguing, give myself an outlet, and honestly allow myself to have content for interesting conversation.
  • Continue to meditate and pray daily. I know it will serve not only myself but the people around me while trying to become a master of my mind and emotions.
  • Continuing to love my family and friends, and make sure they know it.

These are tangible investments that I can control which give me instant and long term results. What investments will you make?