
Conquering the Fear of Failure

fear of failure

We assume less of ourselves, scared of what the future could hold if we actually tried to achieve our full potential. We stick to what we know, lingering in our past, putting down roots, and settling for less than our calling.

We tend to put off dreams, ideas, aspirations, and goals. There is so much uncertainty in the future, making it hard to commit to a better version of our lives. The harsh reality is that in each moment our past is increasing and our future is dwindling. Time continues to move on, and even facing this we can tend to stay tied to our past, paralyzed by the fear of failure and disappointment.


My Fear of Failure

My future was waiting while I was stuck in my past. I was terrified of taking a risk, lacking the courage to take a leap of faith to achieve a more fulfilling future. I found comfort in what I had known, what I had done, and who I had been.

I was afraid of failure. Cliche, but absolutely true. In the back of my mind I was constantly playing out worst case scenarios, doubting that I had the skill set to accomplish my most cherished goals, and fearful of what others would think if I fell short.

I was doubting my actions because of the hypothetical judgement of others. I was afraid of not living up to a certain standard. My ego and identity were holding my own thoughts, ideas, and dreams hostage.


Redefine Failure

My fear of failure changed when I redefined what failure meant to me, and completely reframed my perspective. Not taking a risk, not having courage, not realizing my own potential was now considered failure to me. Failure was no longer was tied to judgement, perfection, or shame.

Taking a risk was a success, a celebration of faith.

Shying away from taking a risk was a failure.


Changing My Success Story

My fear of failure also started to dissipate when I began paying attention to the stories I was telling myself. What was once “I’m not good enough” and “I’m imperfect” turned into “I’m imperfect for a reason”. I started using my adversity from my past to motivate my actions of faith. I was telling myself I had value, and started re-writing my destiny.


What I’ve Learned From Failure

What I’ve learned is that each day we have a choice to create a new version of ourselves; to find our new future and realize our potential. We have to accept and understand our future holds greater value than our past experiences, and our past cannot confine us.

Our past is instead a purposeful springboard with tremendous lessons laced throughout, giving us power to build a more meaningful future. My future is terrifying. I’m stepping into the unknown, fearful and anxious about what awaits with Heartbeat Strength, but I’m taking a leap of faith and putting action to my dreams. I’m no longer hostage to a fear of failure.