
Faith Disguised as Courage, Dear Heart

I have always wanted to live, for lack of a better term, a big life. One with inspirational actions, adventure, excitement, just a little bit of trouble, and a whole lot of love. And as easy as it was for me to define what a big life meant to me, it was just as hard to describe how to actually do it.

I read a quote by Anais Nin that says, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” If this quote is right then a big life must be fueled by courageous action.



Not the type of courage that makes you run into a burning building and puts you on the front page of the newspaper. Not the type of courage or status that gets your picture on a Wheaties box. But everyday ordinary courage. The type of courage that is sometimes viewed as much smaller. I would argue that smaller acts of courage are sometimes more powerful.

I’ve always been more interested in the type of courage it takes to simply be kind to other people, to lend a hand even when it’s not the popular opinion, to stand up for what you believe in, to overcome fear, and step out of your comfort zone to take steps in the direction of your fullest potential.



This is courage at its core, and here is the amazing part. The latin root of courage is cor which literally means heart.

For some unknown reason, until now, I have always been drawn to Psalm 51:10. Create in me a pure heart, O Lord, and renew in me a steadfast spirit. It’s a prayer for courage, a re-energized heart. It’s a prayer to continually renew faith within us.

And the more I thought about it, the more courage felt like faith. Every time I had to act courageously I have needed to gather as much faith as I could in the moment. “Create in me a pure heart, O Lord, and renew in me a steadfast spirit so that I can have the courage to care, to do and say what is right.”


courage dear heart


People who live a big life aren’t celebrities. They haven’t been on the front page of the newspaper, and might never get their picture on a Wheaties box. They’re not necessarily heroes. People who live a big life are everyday ordinary people with everyday ordinary courage that love people in extraordinary ways.

People who live a big life have a big heart and a lot of faith disguised as courage. Faith in their own strengths, which gives them confidence. Faith in who they are becoming, which gives them hope. Faith in how they can inspire other people to live a big life, which gives them purpose.

If that is true then so is this, life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s faith.


courage dear heart