
5 Easy Nutrition Solutions and Principles

nutrition solutions

Changing diet habits can be one of the scariest things a person can embark on. Change is hard especially when it is something that takes you outside of your comfort zone. The fact is, nutrition solutions can actually be a lot easier than perceived.

So say you have decided that pizza rolls and cookies are not the way to your dream body, congrats first step completed. How do you begin planning a better diet? There are so many different dieting choices out there to follow: paleo, keto, Mediterranean, intermittent fasting, vegan, vegetarian, whole 30, yada, yada, yada. The list goes on and on. To someone that is just starting out you have no clue what direction to go.

Whatever your individual goals are there still remain some basic principles that will improve your overall eating plan and health habits.

Below are 5 easy nutrition solutions and principles that everyone can adopt into their routines.

1. Eat More Protein

Understand that protein is used in every single cell of the body and is crucial to building muscle mass, supporting neurological function, and balancing hormones naturally. Protein not only builds muscle but actually is digested slower than other macronutrients causing our bodies to work harder (burn more calories) at rest.

With this in mind try and consume a consistent amount a protein throughout the day from natural whole foods such as eggs, peanut butter, chicken, salmon, tuna, greek yogurt, etc. Some protein supplementation is fine especially if used before/after training sessions or to substitute a meal when you find yourself with surrounded by artificial, prepackaged, or fast food options.

2. Fat is Good

Low fat diets are a thing of the past. Newsflash, fat does not make you fat. Natural fats are essential to good physical and mental health by aiding with hormone regulation, increasing energy, and promoting satiety. Make sure to consume a balanced diet higher in fats like avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, MCT oil, nut butters, and omega-3 fish oil supplement.

3. Choose the Correct Carbs

Carbohydrates can be tricky as they are now seen as the enemy of the nutritional world. I’m here to set the record straight. Carbs that contain added sugars or artificial sugars can be detrimental to your health when consumed in excess. With that being said, we shouldn’t have to feel awful about ourselves every time we want to eat a bagel. We must just choose the correct carbs to consume.

Carbs are the preferred energy source of the body, especially when intensely training. Without energy your workouts will most likely suffer by inhibiting muscle growth. Eat natural whole food carbs such as brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread and pasta, and of course all fruits and vegetables. General rule of thumb, eat more vegetables than grains and fruit.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Start drinking water like a fish. The 2 most essential aspects to life are breath and water, without them you’re a goner. When the body is dehydrated it cannot perform to an optimal level. This is true for your training sessions in the gym and also cognitively while you are at work. Dehydration can also be mistaken for feelings of hunger leading us to overeat instead of satisfying a thirst.

I may take it a bit overboard as I like to consume 32 ounces of water within the first 30 minutes of waking in the morning. You can simply drink one glass of water upon waking. I also have a rule of drinking at least 8-10 ounces of water before and after a meal. This helps with digestion and induces satiety.

5. Don’t Let Condiments Kill Your Diet

Condiments such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, and most salad dressings are loaded with added sugars that curb your weight loss or muscle building progress. These sneaky sugars can add up overtime as they cause an increased insulin spike and fat storage leading to higher triglyceride levels. Added sugars have been found to increase chances of many diseases including cancer and heart disease.

Condiments made of natural spices and without added sugars are your best friends. This is my shameless plug for Frank’s Red Hot… I do put that stuff on everything, even salads. Hot sauces and mustards are great because they give your food additional flavor without the risk.

Also, consider just making better tasting food. Use natural spices and healthy fats to flavor your chicken, fish, salads, etc.

Bonus Principle: You’re going to Mess Up and It’s OK!

Don’t take this so serious that you get depressed every time you kill a craving with a brownie or a potato chip. It is ok to occasionally give into cravings. Try abiding by the 80-20 rule. 80% of the time you eat natural whole foods and portion sizes, 20% of the time give yourself some leeway and “Eat a pizza once in a while!” – Domino’s Commercial Man

Know that progress is made in the long run, if you make more good choices than bad choices you will be just fine!