
Servant Leadership is a Legacy of Love

servant leadership

Servant leadership is a legacy of love. As the great Joey Tribbiani once said, “It is a love based of giving and receiving as well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have and receive.”

As I reflect on all the impactful leaders that I have come in contact with in my life this funny quote has remained shocking true. Joey had it figured out! Good leaders love greater, give more, willingly serve, and honestly pursue people.

Think of the best leader you’ve ever had. What did they teach you? What do you remember about them? How did they impact you? What legacy did they leave?

That word legacy continues to creep into my thoughts about leadership. When I used to think of legacy I would think money, power, and status. But I’ve learned that leadership has a lot more to do with people rather than position, moments rather than money, empowerment rather than power, and service rather than status. Leadership looks a lot like loving people.


What are the qualities of a servant leader?

Great leaders not only leave a legacy of love, they live it out. Because of that, the qualities of a servant leader are synonymous with the qualities of loving people.

A servant leader speaks kindly and acts courageously. They celebrate others with words of affirmation while honestly expressing their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. They’re courageously vulnerable and continue to lean into their fears.

A servant leader listens sincerely and trusts unflinchingly. They listen to understand, not to respond, knowing the importance of support in a relationship while trusting the insight of the other people’s thoughts. They strive to be unoffendable and real with the relationships they have built.

A servant leader gives generously and loves unconditionally. The holy grail of servant leadership… They invest their time, energy, and attention. They seek out and constantly build other leaders, pursuing other people’s potential. In turn, pursuing their own.


What are servant leadership behaviors?

Servant leadership is all about having the heart to empower and the hands to willingly help others. The purpose of leadership in itself is an opportunity to serve—to love, to build belief, and to inspire action.

It’s about finding the smallest opportunities to invest in relationships, make others feel valued, empowered, meaningful, supported, fulfilled, and inspired. You know what the cool thing is? These opportunities present themselves each day and are always available to us.

You know what the other cool thing is too? When we invest in these moments they make us feel fulfilled, meaningful, and inspired too.

Remember what Joey said, “And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have and receive.”


How can you be a servant leader?

People follow love. When they feel cared for, supported, and trusted they give the same in return. Great leaders have mastered the ability to build great relationships. Servant leaders leave a legacy of love.



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